To: Young Reformed Brothers, Let Us Examine Our Hearts…


empty church

Ouch! I know! Those words go together like matches and gasoline. However, it’s not a misprint. Let me begin by saying that I love Reformed Soteriology, the “five solas, and the sovereignty of God. Essentially, I love the word of God and the truths it proclaims! When the Lord Jesus saved me 13 years ago, I was discipled the next four years by a godly man who also loved these truths. So for me, salvation and Reformed Theology have been woven together from the first day my eyes were opened to the wonder and amazement of Christ. I realize that it was the grace of God upon me because I meet a lot of brothers who discovered these truths years after conversion.

I’m also encouraged that Reformed Theology is visibly on the rise among urban Christians. When I consider Christian Hip Hop, the Legacy Conference, the Reformed African American Network, the Rebuild Network, Thrive In The City, the New City Network, as well as other urban churches and pastors around the country, there are numerous reasons to praise God!

However, there is also reason to pause and evaluate the budding generation of men who love reformed theology. I’m running into an increasing number of young men for whom Reformed Theology is much more of a mental exercise than truths to be applied to everyday life. For many it seems that Reformed Theology is becoming a sport like Fantasy Football. They know all the lingo. They give commentary on every move of the players. They celebrate the victories and defeats that work in their favor. Yet, they couldn’t be further from actually suiting up and getting in the game!

These brothers want to marry young ladies who have John Calvin’s Commentary (Set Number One) on her Christmas Wish List , to go beside her Calvin’s Institutes, that she got on her birthday. Yet, they have been secretly indulging in pornography for years. They have online theological debates on the merits of Supralapsarianism for hours, but their work ethic resembles my five year old daughter’s. They are quick to call for a meeting with the pastor to point out the flaws of his gospel presentation, but are clueless at resolving conflict biblically. They are first in line when an apologist is needed, but MIA when their family needs a sacrificial shepherd walking in the grace and image of Christ. Their Christian diet consists of podcasts, online sermons, and books…but no discipleship!


First of all, these are generally good brothers, just misguided.

These are Christian brothers! Therefore, it hurts me to write these words…because I’m hitting family; we stand and fall together. I think we, as pastors and Christian leaders in the urban context, cannot afford to give these brothers a pass. Verbally waxing eloquently about biblical truths does not equal maturity and godly character. These brothers need to be poured into and discipled…regularly! They need to have these truths modeled before them.

The sovereignty of God is stagnate…on the page of Wayne Grudem’s, “Systematic Theology.” It is dynamic…when you bury your first child a week before you start Seminary Orientation. Or when you watch murderers running through your backyard, seconds after killing two teens…and you still continue ministering in the hood with your precious wife and three beautiful daughters. I’ve walked both of those roads. The difference between understanding truth in your head and in your heart is EXPONENTIAL. If truth is real, it has to be true in real-life, hard times…especially working in the urban context, where life’s middle name is H-A-R-D.


You need to be involved in a community of believers that impact your head…but also your heart, hands, and feet. Seek out discipleship. Seek out older and more seasoned individuals than yourself. Seek out models of Christian character. Even if they cannot speak on all topics at the depth that you can, their lives should give you practical examples to flesh out your theology.

Don’t be so quick to underestimate the theological understanding of others. My grandmother who lived 79 years probably never heard the word omnipresent. But every time she went outside under her shade tree and struck up a conversation with God…she knew that not only was He present, He also heard every word!


Before you guys start attacking that statement…listen! Truth is important! Christ is the Truth and the Word. In the scriptures, in the original languages, you can find Christ in opposition to these words on several occasions. All I’m saying is that the first thing many of my young, reformed brothers want to know is, “When did you discover Reformed Theology?” Not, “When did Christ discover you?” The former does not equal the latter, nor should the latter be assumed because of the former. Knowing T.U.L.I.P. has never saved anyone, but the God of T.U.L.I.P knowing you…works every time! Jesus has already warned in Matthew 7 that there will be many who “showed out” for Christ…if we were judging with natural eyes. Yet, Jesus will say, “Depart from me, I never knew you.” Let’s not be deceived or naive enough to think this crowd will be void of people who verbally advocated for the doctrines of grace.

Don’t get me wrong, you can keep loving reformed theology.

It is by God’s grace that you have discovered it. Urban communities desperately need it.

I believe with compassion, patience, and perseverance we can bring these truths to the urban context. God is looking for an army of men who would be dedicated to sound doctrine, but also to living lives that are equally powerful and contagious! Are you up for the challenge?

By: Terrence Jones


About Kobe Agyei

Kobe’s focus for this blog is to share his God given wisdom on various topics and issues pertaining to the Bible that every believer as well as he faces every day
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3 Responses to To: Young Reformed Brothers, Let Us Examine Our Hearts…

  1. KJQ says:

    Thanks for posting this, Kobe. I needed a strong reminder that I have to lead less by lecture and more by example.

  2. rhology says:

    Good stuff, brother. I second the motion. – we endeavor to bear fruit that will last.

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